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5 Reasons To Why is Your Computer Running Slow? and How to Fix it?

A slow, sluggish computer is the worst kind of put-off when you are seriously trying to work on something. Nobody likes computers processing at a snail’s speed, it is an entirely frustrating experience. Normally, fixes for a slow computer don’t last very long as PCs return to their old tune in a short while. It is important to understand that keeping your computer running fast and smooth like new needs a set of practices and techniques that must be regularly implemented to keep your PC in pristine condition.

As a user we have to bring in some habits in our usage, these habits will keep your system in perfect running condition. Before we discuss these methods, let us first list some basic reasons due to which a computer becomes slow and unresponsive.

1. Quickly Filling Hard Disk: Every system comes with a fixed memory on its hard disk drive. As we keep using the system, memory fills up fast since the operating system program files, software, data (audio, video, photos, files) and other system files are all stored on the hard disk. When hard disk nears its capacity, access and writing data on hard disk gets slow, causing the computer to respond slower. Hardware equipment has limitations. Overloading them heats up components in the CPU (Central Processing Unit) ultimately slowing down the system.

2. Heavy Programs & Software: Each and every software has specific system requirements. Very high end applications that use up a lot of system resources eventually take a toll on the PC’s performance in terms of speed and processing. Video-games, video editing apps or designing software generally need a powerful processor accompanied by a graphics card with dedicated memory. Most of the time we leave apps open and running in the background which eats up memory and slows down the computer.

3. Malicious Software: A computer running slow might be infested with malicious software that delete important system files or just block certain functions, often leaving your computer slow and retarded. Malicious software includes adware, spyware, virus, etc. A virus may clone itself repeatedly until it uses up all the memory on your hard disk or fool your system into believing it is overloaded and low on RAM (Random Access Memory).

4. Outdated OS & Drivers: An outdated operating system may fall on performance and speed. Drivers run hardware devices, if they are left outdated, devices slow down in their functioning and end up slowing down your computer. Operating system updates are critical to the working of the system.

5. Startup Programs & Heavy Browsers: When a computer boots up, some programs open up on their own. These ‘startup applications’ make the boot-up process slow and eat up memory even before you start working. Heavy web browsers packed with plug-ins and extensions also decrease speed of the PC, browsing the internet while running heavy apps takes a toll on your computer’s health.

These problems are very generic and could occur to any computer system. As much as it is important to load your computer only up to its capacity, it is also important to keep using tools like check-disk, disk defragmenter, disk cleanup, system scans and diagnostics to ensure the system’s health. Here are some simple tips to make sure your computer never runs slow again.

1. Uninstall, Uninstall, Uninstall: Remove any unwanted application from your system. Old games, software or data that you do not need is just sitting there eating space on your hard disk, get rid of it right away.

2. Know Your PC’s Limit: Do not overburden your computer because it will slow the machine down. Work in a moderate way, avoid extreme multitasking. Do not browse, play audio and run a video-game at the same time. Shut down the unused apps and processes to free your computer’s resources.

3. Stay Safe and Secure: To keep the threat from malicious software at bay, use a firewall and an antivirus software which will regularly ‘search and destroy’ any malicious content which might cause damage to your PC.

4. Update Regularly: Keep updating your operating system as well as the applications; especially the antivirus software on the system. An updated system is faster and responds quickly to commands given by the user.

Other than these you can try rebooting your PC, using a faster internet or updating your system’s hardware (hard disk, processor, GFX card etc). The things mentioned in this article are general things and one has to bring them into practice while using a computer. If you haven’t yet got an idea about how to prevent your computer from running slow, contact the experts. Just write back and they will try their best to solve your problem.

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